Niche Site Project Nails “How to Write an SEO Article”
Recently Ben Adler of Affiliate Niche Builders wrote a guest article for Doug Cunnington on Niche Site Project. And he nailed it! The main gist is that after you read it and digest the content, you’ll have an actionable outline to understanding how to write for SEO. The takeaway being that you need to write for the searcher, not the search engine.
Quality Content Should Reign Over Writing for Google
One of the best quotes from the SEO article is:
Before you start writing, you need to understand the search intent of your keyword. The best way to define search intent is with a question, and that’s, “what is the user really looking for when they search for this keyword?”.
Of course I may have a bias since my quote is also attributed in the article, but I’ve been quoted many times, in both print and online, and this is the first time I felt compelled to jump on my site and write up a post directing people the article. The article goes from searcher intent, to keyword research, to proper research, to studies, and images. It runs you through the whole thought process to get your article written AND seen. Writing for SEO is both an art and a science.
The SEO world is exciting because there are so many facets that one can always hone their craft, or jump into another SEO niche if they feel compelled. One thing is for sure, most of us in this field support each other instead of looking at each other as competition. Although there is still some big room for improvement when it comes to pay inequality, which can make it hard for women, especially women of color, in the freelance agency world that discrepancy has a smaller gap.
“How to Write an SEO Article” is geared towards writers and bloggers, and also touches upon some of the technical aspects that one needs to know to be a good SEO writer. If you’re writing to promote you’re own business or for a client, it’s worth your time to read the article and check out some of the links to related topics in the piece.
Now go out there and slay it!